Our group has been initiating and supporting the Swiss study ARCR_Pred, since its funding in 2020. It has been the result of a collaboration between 18 Swiss Orthopedic centers and 1 in Germany.
The Swiss National Science Foundation is the main funder for the ARCR_Pred study.
Swiss Orthopaedics has been one of the main funder for the ARCR_Pred study.
The SUVA grant was obtained in the context of our sub-project ARCR_Pred_MRI.
We are currently focused on the achievement of our study ARCR_Pred, which objectives are multiple: development and validation of clinical prediction models in the context of Orthopedic Surgery and the development and validation of adverse events classification.
Including various profiles, such as orthopedic surgeons, physiotherapists, study nurses, clinical epidemiologists or biostatisticians, our research interests are diverse.
We are all interested in improving patients outcomes and their overall healthcare experience.